Thursday, January 29, 2015


      The one thing that I will never forget is the friends I have made in high school. My friends keep me motivated to do better. They are an amazing influence and they have taught me alot. I do not know where I would be or what I would be doing without them. They all have been there since day one. I am very grateful for each and everyone of them. If one of them were to leave me, I would be lost and would not know what to do. They guide me in life and help me in the right direction. My friends are a blessing because they have put up with me for so long. I hope I keep these same friends beyond high school. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015


A-Accept others
                                                                  B-Be kind to others
                                                          C-Cannot take things back
D-Do not judge others
E-Everyone will have there're own opinion
F-Failing is not acceptable
G-Getting advice is not always horrible
H-High expectations from everyone surrounding you
I-Ignore people that are negative 
J-Judging leads to assuming
K-Know you're manners
L-Love will never lie
M-Mistakes are going to be made
N-Nobody is perfect
O-Opened minded
P-Pleasing others is useless
Q-Quick assumptions can lead to arguments
R-Racism is intolerable 
S-Stay true to yourself
T-There is a purpose for everything
U-Use your own knowledge
V-Very few people will tell the truth
W-Wise choices lead to success 
X-Xenophobia can lead to loneliness 
Y-You will have you're own opinion
Z-Zealous can get you through life