Friday, February 13, 2015


         If I were forced to spend the rest of my life in a library, museum, or zoo, my choice would be a Zoo. I would choose a Zoo because animals are interesting. Every day someone can learn something new about an animal. In my opinion, libraries and museums are boring. Once someone reads all of the books in the library, there will be no other knowledge for them to learn. In museums, there is only so much information displayed. Zoos can be fun and it would be good exercise to walk around everyday and I would never run out of new things to learn. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015


      The one thing that I will never forget is the friends I have made in high school. My friends keep me motivated to do better. They are an amazing influence and they have taught me alot. I do not know where I would be or what I would be doing without them. They all have been there since day one. I am very grateful for each and everyone of them. If one of them were to leave me, I would be lost and would not know what to do. They guide me in life and help me in the right direction. My friends are a blessing because they have put up with me for so long. I hope I keep these same friends beyond high school. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015


A-Accept others
                                                                  B-Be kind to others
                                                          C-Cannot take things back
D-Do not judge others
E-Everyone will have there're own opinion
F-Failing is not acceptable
G-Getting advice is not always horrible
H-High expectations from everyone surrounding you
I-Ignore people that are negative 
J-Judging leads to assuming
K-Know you're manners
L-Love will never lie
M-Mistakes are going to be made
N-Nobody is perfect
O-Opened minded
P-Pleasing others is useless
Q-Quick assumptions can lead to arguments
R-Racism is intolerable 
S-Stay true to yourself
T-There is a purpose for everything
U-Use your own knowledge
V-Very few people will tell the truth
W-Wise choices lead to success 
X-Xenophobia can lead to loneliness 
Y-You will have you're own opinion
Z-Zealous can get you through life