Thursday, December 11, 2014

10 Copies of Nicole


            If I were to have 10 copies of myself, it would be amazing. I would use every copy wisely and appreciate having them for a full day. Since I have 10 copies, I would have each copy do different tasks for me. One of the copies of me would go to school for me. This copy would do all the in school assignments for that day. The second copy would do my homework. The third copy would clean my room and do all the other things I have to do around my house. The next copy would make me dinner. The sixth copy would make a quick run to starbucks and bring it back to me. The last four copies would visit Italy. I always wanted to visit italy and I think it would be a fun experience since I still get to visualize the memories that happened while my copies were there.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The perfect Island

              The perfect Island of my choice that I would customize would have all the features and characteristics that would be enjoyable and relaxing to me. My island would have it's own softball field on it. There is nothing better than playing softball to keep me occupied. another thing that i would have built in to my island is wifi. I would have a massive house built. Inside my house would be a room built just for netflix. I would have a large kitchen and a chef that cooks all the time. I would visit the island every summer and have somebody stay there for the rest of the year to take care of the island and watch it for me. there would also be a pier along the outside perimeter of the island. I would be able to walk all the way around the island, while still on the pier.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bad Day

        When I am having a bad day, I don't like communicating or even seeing people.  There are only a few things that comfort me when I'm having a bad day. When people talk to me I get aggravated. When I come home from school and I'm having a bad day, I come home and do my homework and make some hot chocolate. Hot chocolate calms me down and it is very tasteful. Another thing that calms me down is my Mom. My Mom gives me amazing advice. If i'm having a bad day she calms me down and tells me that everything is going to be okay. Netflix is another thing that also calms me down. Netflix has all the episodes of Pretty little Liars and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. If I could, I would watch netflix all day. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Nicole Ann

My name is Nicole. My name is a feminine form of Nicolas, which is from the Greek Nikolaos, a compound name composed of the elements Nike (victory) and Laos (the people).  My name in Greek means “victory of the people”. My middle name is Ann. Ann may not be my first name but it is very important to me. I had gotten it from my mother, the person I have the up most respect for. I much enjoy my first name. My name is like a song on the radio that gets really old after a while because a lot of girls have it.  It is very unique name. My name is Nicole. My mother and father gave me the name. A nickname that everybody calls me is Nicki. That nickname was given to me by my family, just like my first name. I make my name special for who I am. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


I went to school today and it seemed like a normal day. One of my close friends walks up to me and tells me "you are not normal, ATTACK!". I am very scared. I dont know what to do. Everybody starts to corner me in the back of the classroom. I jump out the window and run to starbucks and hide out there for a while. while i'm there I get a double chocolate chip frappe so I can stay up all night. I could not believe I didn't see the perfidy in my friends. I thought I would have noticed that my close friends are aliens. I hear people coming so I run to the library and hide upstairs. I do not know how long I have until they find me. If they were aliens all along, then why did they wait till today to try and take me to their galaxy, I wonder to myself. They finally found me. They took me on their spaceship and I was taken to their galaxy. It is much different then here on planet earth. I wonder if I will ever return to earth.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The worst food

    The worst food that I have ever tasted would have to be Brussels sprouts. They are disgusting. They taste like dirt. My mom was being devious and made me try one. After I tried it, I spit it out and brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out four times. Brussels sprouts are green spheres that look like someone dug them up from the ground and didn't even bother to wash them off. Brussels sprouts need to be banned from the United States and everywhere else. They are the most disgusting food in the world. If you want to know what Brussels sprouts taste like, then go out side take a whole bunch of grass and roll it together in dry dirt. After you roll it in dry dirt, put it In a mud puddle and then put it in the microwave for thirty seconds. If that doesn't taste like Brussels sprouts then I don't what does.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How much should it cost to rent out my school

      I have a strong belief that there should be no cost to rent our school for the weekend. I believe we should be able to use the school when ever we want because we are there five out of the seven days of the week and most of us have good behavior. Its not like we are horrible students. The only thing we should have to pay for is if we buy stuff from the market place or from Starbucks and whatever we buy. The teachers and professors at LCCC use the college to their extent so why cant the students or anyone else that wants too. I would covet the privilege to be able to rent out my school for free. Being able to do this would be so incredible because you could have a party or do whatever you wanted for the whole weekend.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Journal #1

                                                                     Journal #1

            I would rather be a librarian at a prestigious university, rather than working on a ship. I would rather be a librarian at a prestigious university because you would surround yourself with other smart intelligent people. Being a librarian is quite and equanimity, If I was working as a librarian I would probably be making money rather than being on a ship. Being on a ship would not be a good choice considering I cant swim and I would be terrified, Also, If I was a librarian I could go home whenever I wanted, rather than being stuck on a ship not knowing when you are going to be able to go home.  You can easily get bored on a ship, but you can never get bored at a library. There are thousands of books to read and so much to discover. Being a Librarian might be more sanitary than being on a ship. If you run out of the necessities you need, then there is nothing you can do about it. Most librarians are very bright and educated.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Most Important Rule

       The most important rule that I follow and everyone else should follow is to always wear your seat belt. Even though this is already the law to wear your seat belt, it is the most important rule that everyone should follow. A seat belt keeps you safe from flying forwards or backwards in an accident or if the driver makes a very sudden stop. More than 50% of car accidents happen within less than a mile to 5 miles of your home. whether you are going around the block or to your local grocery store you should have your seat belt on. I was recently in a car accident in January. I was on the corner of 57 and bell. I wasn't wearing my seat belt. i flew to the cargo area of the car. my head and neck hit the back window. i strained my neck and got a concussion. If I was wearing my seat belt I probably wouldn't have gotten so injured. Now, every time I get in the car, I wear a seat belt and so should you.